The Bolivian hourThe Bolivian hour

The Bolivian hour

 In Bolivia, more than anywhere else, the relationship with time is different.

As a result of the influence of local cultures on life in the country, the perception of time differs quite profoundly from that in other countries.

You'll soon realize that, as a general rule, "Bolivian time" is characterized by a lack of any notion of punctuality or accuracy in timetables; allow roughly half an hour more.

There are many reasons for these systematic delays: chaotic traffic, unreliable transport, cultural neglect of timetables... Above all, punctuality is simply not a priority for many Bolivians compared to the rest of Latin America.

For the foreign traveler, this difference in perception of time can be an obvious source of stress, annoyance and even conflict. But to be impatient or to reproach these "delays" would be an affront to the local philosophy of life. This is just one of the many cultural differences, and you need to be open-minded to make your trip all the more rewarding.  

The best advice, therefore, is to be armed with a large dose of patience and mental flexibility. Leave plenty of time for appointments, don't count on strict punctuality, and take these delays in your stride with a bit of Bolivian humor!

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